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Dual Language Immersion



50/50 Dual Language Immersion at Schafer Park

The 50/50 Spanish Dual Language Immersion Program offered at Schafer Park is a specialized program in which students receive instruction in two languages.  Students whose primary language is English will have the opportunity to learn Spanish with appropriate supports to ensure success. Students whose primary language is Spanish will have the opportunity to learn Spanish with appropriate supports to ensure success.  

Goals of the Program:

  • Bilingualism and Biliteracy: Students develop high levels of oral language proficiency and academic literacy in two languages.

  • Academic Achievement:  Students achieve academic excellence in all content areas in both languages.

  • Cross-cultural Competency: Students develop positive self-esteem, inter-cultural understanding and an appreciation of diverse traditions and cultures in our society.

Research and Benefits

Investigación y beneficios

Guidelines for Ensuring Student Success

Pautas para asegurar el éxito del estudiante